Remmina - The GTK+ Remote Desktop Client  v1.4.34
Remmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for system administrators and travellers, who need to work with lots of remote computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistent user interface. Currently RDP, VNC, NX, XDMCP and SSH are supported.
Todo List
Global N_ ("Unable to connect to VNC server")
We only store the last message at this moment.
Global rcw_hostkey_func (RemminaProtocolWidget *gp, guint keyval, gboolean release)
Add callback for hostname transparent overlay #832
Global remmina_avahi_start (RemminaAvahi *ga)
Customize the default domain here
Global remmina_exec_command (RemminaCommandType command, const gchar *data)
This should be a G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY (^aay) so that we can implement multi profile connection:
Global remmina_file_get_datetime (RemminaFile *remminafile)
This should be moved to remmina_utils.c
Global remmina_file_manager_do_copy (const char *src_path, const char *dst_path)
remmina_pref_file_do_copy and remmina_file_manager_do_copy to remmina_files_copy
Global remmina_file_touch (RemminaFile *remminafile)
This should be moved to remmina_utils.c
Global remmina_info_profiles_get_data (RemminaFile *remminafile, gpointer user_data)
Move this in a separate file.
Global remmina_info_stats_get_os_info (void)
Add other means to identify a release name/description to cover as much OS as possible, like /etc/issue
Global remmina_main_init (void)
Set entry_quick_connect_server as default search entry. Weirdly. This does not work yet.
Global remmina_plugin_ssh_call_feature (RemminaProtocolWidget *gp, const RemminaProtocolFeature *feature)
start the direct tunnel here
Global remmina_plugin_ssh_vte_select_all (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, gpointer vte)
we should add the vte_terminal_unselect_all as well
Global remmina_pref_file_do_copy (const char *src_path, const char *dst_path)
remmina_pref_file_do_copy and remmina_file_manager_do_copy to remmina_files_copy
Global remmina_rdp_main_loop (RemminaProtocolWidget *gp)

Ask CUPS mailing list for help.

we should lock FreeRDP subthread to update rfi->primary_buffer, rfi->gdi and w/h, from here to memcpy, but… how ?

Global remmina_ssh_auth (RemminaSSH *ssh, const gchar *password, RemminaProtocolWidget *gp, RemminaFile *remminafile)
Here we should call gint method; method = ssh_userauth_list(ssh->session, NULL);